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Welcome to Shred2Fit,

where our mission is to empower individuals to achieve their highest fitness potential through expertly guided, science-based training methodologies. Founded by Dr. Tracy Green, a former Marine with a PhD in sports psychology, Shred2Fit is more than just a gym—it’s a community dedicated to fostering physical fitness and mental resilience.


Our Founder:

Dr. Tracy Green’s journey in fitness and health is as distinguished as it is diverse. With over 25 years in the fitness industry, his career is decorated with significant roles—from a former teacher and high school sports coach to a dedicated service as a Marine. His academic and real-world experiences are the backbone of Shred2Fit’s unique training philosophy. Dr. Green's approach is deeply rooted in sports psychology, focusing not just on physical training but also on strengthening the mental fortitude of each individual.


Our Philosophy:

At Shred2Fit, we believe that the key to sustained physical health is a strong mindset. Our programs are designed to challenge the body and the mind, ensuring that our members not only look their best but also feel their best. Whether you’re engaging in one-on-one private training, participating in our semi-private sessions, or joining the dynamic group training sessions of The Optimum Workout, you’re getting a holistic approach to fitness.


Why Choose Us?

Expert Guidance: Led by Dr. Green and a team of seasoned professionals, every program is a blend of rigorous physical training and psychological resilience techniques.


Community and Support:

Shred2Fit is not just about individual achievements; it’s about collective success. Our community is strong, supportive, and encouraging—helping each member on their path to fitness.


Innovative Programs:

From private sessions and nutrition planning to group classes and online resources, our services are comprehensive and cutting-edge


."Join us at Shred2Fit and experience the transformation. With my staff and our community’s support, your fitness journey is in the best hands. Let us help you unlock your potential and achieve your goals."






Dr. Tracy Green




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